Welcome to my space! While I share my thoughts with you, please sit back, relax and enjoy reading.
Monday, August 24, 2009
In A Crowded State Of Mind
I'm in a crowded state of mind.
There are 3 things I need to learn.
1. How to de-stress (something that does not involve spending too much money, whether in cash or credit a.k.a 'wonder card', ie. in the form of retail therapy).
2. How to do some soul-searching (without having to spend too much on travelling else where to find some peace at heart).
3. How to trust myself and my own judgments (There were many conflicts that revolve around my own values, my beliefs, my principals, and the likes of others. And many a times, I underweighed mine more than I should, and overweighed others' more than I should too).
What a tough, tough life. It must be tough hitting mid-life crisis. I would have a depression of some sort, I think. What's it like to be trouble-free, I wonder. Do monks and nuns really really feel peaceful, I wonder. When they say release the burden and find peace at heart and reach nirvana (correct ah?), are they doing that by running away from the real world problem, and live in a segmented world where it's imagined and assumed to be trouble-free, I wonder. Don't know lah... so confusing.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Gadget-Dependent Me
It's not officially certified 'dead' yet.. let's all just hope & pray for me that it's only throwing tantrum & misbehaving for a night, ok?
I had a lot of things throwing tantrum on me yesterday. Honestly. It's either, a totally wrong/bad day for me... or I'm just super jinx-ed with electronics.
All in all, it got me thinking about how youth like us are so heavily dependant on gadgets (in this so called tech-savvy-era).
Let me throw you a question.
If you lost all your contacts in your mobile phone, would you...
(a) feel insecure (eg. "Shit! How now? How to call my friends, I'll lose all my friends!")
(b) feel useless (eg. "How? How? I can't even remember my own house phone no.!")
(c) feel old (eg. "I can memorise all the numbers and dial them instantly on my finger tips during school days. Why can't I recall any now??!)
Don't kid yourself. If you answer any of the options above, face it. You're gadget-dependent too!
Last night, my phone blacked-out on me for 2 hours while I was out alone. That's 2 hours (only), but it felt like eternity. I never felt so handicapped in a very long time. To say that I have some loose change & some coins in my pocket to go to a public phone and dial, yet, I crammed my head trying to recall what was the number that I'd wanted to dial. Pathetic, I know. And I relied so much on my mobile that I was so used to checking time & calendars with it, checking my reminders of to-do list with it, to an extent of calculating discount prices while doing my shopping with it!
See how much I'm dependant on it? (I have got to learn to rely less of it! Starting from like... now!)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Mini Weekend Getaway
Deng deng deng....
Yup! I was in Ion Mall, the most-hyped-&-talked-about-new-mall-in-town. (Singapore's town, that is).
Nice architecture, eh? Pretty modern and contemporary at the same time. Clean curves.
Was in a rush, so didn't had much time to check out most of the stores. But one thing for sure, it was so bloody CROWDED! Even the food court looked like a can of packed sardines!
Head down if you're anywhere near Orchard. I'll get my dose of shopping spree there the next time round, perhaps. (As long as the currency's exchange rate don't continue to hike!)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Best-est Choco Bar
I've been putting off writing a lot of blog entries lately!
It's the four-letter-word.
The culprit : B-U-S-Y + L-A-Z-Y.
Busy, because, I'm still pretty much in the transition of the role I'm in, though I would say in a way, it's pretty much BAU (Business As Usual) in an odd way. The only addition would be the increasing dramas I get to see day in, day out. LOL.
Lazy, because, well... just lazy lah. Like you need a reason to be lazy like that.
I really ought to blog more often. The thing is... SherLin's life hasn't been much of an asumement to blog about. (Darn!) So I have to now learn to glorify the very little things that I find (in any way at all) funnily entertaining... or amusing... or lame... or ridiculous... or priceless. Like this.
Went to get myself a Milo choco bar to snack today.
See anything funny in this picture? No? Let's take a closer look.
Exactly. You read right, alright.
A "Choco Bar" in English, is known as a "Coklat Batang" in Bahasa Melayu.
So how? Funny or not?
Friday, August 7, 2009
Creepy Interview

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Revisiting My MBTI

- It is in my nature to assume responsibility.
- I'm a person somewhat reserved, after prolonged socializing, I feel the need to get away and be alone.
- I easily see the general principles behing specific occurences.
- I get bored if I have to read theoretical books.
- I tend to rely on experiences rather than on theoretical alternatives.
- I take pleasure in putting things in order.
- I usually place myself nearer to the side than in the center of the room.
- I'm strongly touched by the stories about peoples' troubles.
- I feel more comfortable sticking to conventional ways.
- I get pleasure from solitary walks.
Monday, August 3, 2009
This Year, I'm Keeping It Simple
If I'd get 3 wishes, then I'd be noble. And I'd wish for all the goodness for everyone throughout the world. But if I'd get only 1 wish, then I'd be keeping it all for myself. Times are bad. You gotta be economical. You gotta make profit out of the slightest and tiniest investment. And to a certain extent, you gotta prioritise yourself, even if it means being selfish. Small little things. Even when it comes to small simple things like making birthday wishes.
People say as you get older, you tend to keep it simpler. I don't think I've ever really utilised my birthday wishes for all these recent years. (I hope I can still claim those - is it too late?).
This year, I want one thing and only one thing. That is, to be happy. I know I've only lived for as long as a quarter of a century. But I've lived long enough to know that being happy is not something you can buy with lots of money (not that I do), it's not something you can fake & hypnotized yourself with, nor is it something you can measure by counts in possessions.
So Genie & your trusted bottle, if you do exist, could you please grant me this wish??
Of A Productive Weekend
My usual weekends usually consists of either :
a) staying home all day
b) travelling back to/from kuantan/kulai/kl
c) out all day - shopping malls (eat, movies, walk around, eat, go back)
Quite routined. Quite sien.
This weekend's a little different :
a) outing with bunch of colleagues in Genting - casino (got profit), starbucks (got surprise bday cake - yeah, really quite surprised & unpredicted also la, 'coz it was only err 1st of Aug? haha... Gracias amigos/amigas!)
b) treated both of us to Senjyu Sushi using profit gained from Genting... Thanks Uncle Lim. LOL.
c) (Erm.. wanted to add go hiking - but tak jadi coz I couldn't wake up, so I didn't make it.)
d) went for my first NBL basketball match! (so much nicer than watching matches on tv). So I'm thinking this won't be my last game... more to come? :D
* I'll put up photos in the next post.
psstt... Jordan - you're my genting photos supplier, I'll get those from you, and post up here (soon).
psstt 2... Dear bf - you're my NBL photos supplier, remember to copy for me, soon! Hehe.
Talk about productivity during weekends... come to think of it, it's a little ironic, isn't it?
You spend 5 days in a week to be productive at work, that the remaining 2 days of the week, you just want to spare and excuse yourself from being productive. Hence a lot of times, we, the "working adults" just stay lazy and be childish for the weekends. But I'd always thought adults mah.. sure more matured to be responsible at any time of the week, right? Now proven. No - adults want chances to be less responsible, more kiddy too. Haha.