Welcome to my space! While I share my thoughts with you, please sit back, relax and enjoy reading.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Of All Things Mythical
Thursday, February 25, 2010
方炯鑌 [Fang Jiong Bin] - 遺憾
Oh I realised I had wanted to post this video for quite a while now but kept forgetting.
Signs of old age I think. -_-"
Monday, February 22, 2010
Snapshots from CNY...

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Of Another Real Love
I'm quite sure many people will be sharing this joy and bliss with them. Teehee! =)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Fierce Tigress Power
Hence the title of this post. ><"
I'm hating the hot weather. Seriously.
My childhood rashes revisits me, thanks to the heat the sun's blaring on us.
And 'coz of the very 'hot' rain that showered last nite... I'm catching the fever bug.
Really gong xi fa cai man... Ish.
Apart from that, CNY has been fun.
(Okay, hold on, except for one other fact that I had to answer the same question over and over again : "When's your turn to distribute ang paus??" Beh tahan...)
I'm piling on the kilos.
Non-stop eating. And I really meant non-stop.
For days, the word 'hungry' didn't exist in my dictionary.
It's really time to unwrap my UZap to use.
And it's REALLY time to run the mile.
The question is, where?
Where's safe enough to run in KL, where you don't have to inhale the busy traffic's carbon monoxide, and it's safe/brightly-lit enough to not be robbed/kidnapped/watever? -_-"
Don't ask me to spend money to go join gym's membership. I'll die staring at a piece of glass for every half an hour I run, let alone stay motivated. A park would be good (KLCC park?), a neighbourhood would be good, but no gym, been there, done that, not value for money, no motivation, no thanks.
Yalar I know, I'm fussy. ><"
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Kicking Off the Tiger Year
But I shall be sane, and stay focused.
There should be a right time. There will be.
I'm loving the festive mood.
Love that I don't have to think of work.
Love that I get a break away from civilization (the KL rush and all).
Love that I'm back home.
Love that I'm with my family.
Love that I'm gonna be meeting relatives and friends.
Love that there are stories after stories to catch up on.
Love that there will be gatherings after gatherings.
Love that there are lots of yummy food to eat.
Love that I get to wear new clothes (ok, maybe not - I wear new clothes any time of the year)
Happy Lunar New Year everyone!
May the Tiger year brings you lots of joy & laughter, wisdom & health, and yes... may big fat prosperity lands your way!
Have a fun holiday season!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Of Real Love
Fish Leong and Tony Chao from Mayad Studios on Vimeo.
I thought if you're happy & in love with that special someone, everyday's supposed to be Valentine's? Not particularly on 14th Feb. Isn't that right?
But yes, marketing as it is, you can't help it. The atmosphere of 'love is in the air' is themed all over the shopping malls (not so much this year, thanks to CNY! I love you CNY!)
So as I was walking around the mall yesterday, I came across this back to basic definitions that read :
Companion : Walks with me through experiences of life, sees the world through the same eyes.
Soul mates : I love you for not only what you are, but for what I am when I'm with you.
Lover : Weak in the knees when you walk into the room.
I was pondering last night and realised, yeah... sometimes we're rigid looking at the pre-qualifications, pre-requiremens, conditions to determine a right one who comes along, but fail to see the simplest rule of thumb it takes to just acknowledge the fact that you've found the right one.
I find revisiting these simple definitions rather meaningful, rather... liberating.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
So What Happens Now?
I feel as if I've been cursed.
The past seems to always successfully haunt me. The way it is haunting me now.
If you ask me, I've thought hard enough. But what happens now?
The chances are bleak. So are the hopes. The future. The faith. The trust.
What is left remaining then, to strive for, to fight for?
It's just going to be a vain effort.
The misery is going to seep into the core of me so badly like poison, and it will never heal.
I have to cross my heart and say, I know this will eventually happen.