Welcome to my space! While I share my thoughts with you, please sit back, relax and enjoy reading.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
林健輝 (Eric Lin Jian Hui) - 我聽見有人叫你寶貝
Am liking & listening to this song these days. Original version by 李宗盛 (Li Zhong Shen). But this version just goes to show that 林健輝 is one good Malaysian artiste with pretty good vocals!
* p/s : SY, if you're reading, did you know that his bday and yours falls on the same date? Hehe.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Earth Is Clocking On Us...
And at some point of time in your lives, you've also probably did your part in making the earth and environmental-friendly place to live in. Things you do like saying no to open burning, car-pooling, to little things like choosing the right avenue & channel to recycle papers, aluminiums, plastics, and glasses. If you're nodding your head by now, I can tell you, you've done good, and please continue to do so. But if you're sniggering and/or yawning your way through the thought of those, then you ought to seriously take a look at what you're causing a world to be in future.
Here are a few movies/documentaries that could be rather thought-provoking, mind-awakening to many of us.
Catch a glimpse of the trailer to watch for yourself how Al Gore presented facts and datas to the audience, truly inspiring documentary that had bagged The Oscars back in 2007. (source : Wikipedia)
The 11th Hour (2007)
(click into it's Official Website here)
This is a short movie/documentary narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio himself, in the wake of phenomenal disasters happening rapidly around the world.
Changing Climate, Changing Times (2008)
This movie travels to year 2075 to tell us if we don't start acting today, we'll see consequences of global warming throughout different parts of the globe.
The Age of Stupid (2009)
(click here for more info)
This has a pretty cool movie title, I came across this trailer today. It's a new movie, released in March 2009, but I've yet to watch it. Shall see if I could find it anytime soon here in Malaysia.
Do give it a go on these movies, and don't forget to help spread the message too! :DMonday, April 20, 2009
I'm A Lioness!
You can take it either way :
a) A lioness = the control freak, the bossy one, the power-hunger one.
b) A lioness = the great big queen-of-the-jungle animal that helps protect its pack from danger and harm.
I sure do hope you choose wisely, in other words, choose b). Hehe. ;p
Okay, enough of introduction already. Haha. So what is this all about?
I've been thinking about it for a while now, and I see myself being quite a staunch believer of horoscopes for most of the times (but not to the extent of worshipping la, don't worry), so I'm gonna be writing about my horoscope's characteristics today. And as the title's pretty much gave way, without a doubt, yes, I'm a Leo. A very genuine Leo, I would say. And I know of people who would wholeheartedly agree with that. Haha.

Here's a compilation of what others have to say about us Leos. Feel free to add in to the list if you've got more! It'd be most welcome. :D
- We're proud creatures. (Okay, I have to agree. Hehe)
- We often choose work that put us in the center of stage or in the spotlight of appreciation. (Hmm, stage - no, appreciation - yes)
- We're warm in spirit, eager for action, and driven by a desire to be loved for what we bring to others. (Haha. Warm, ok-lah. Eager for action? More of impatient, I guess [cannot tahan 'poh poh ma ma' kinda scenario]. Desire to be loved? Err, yes. Hehe. Ey, who doesn't want to be loved la hor? But we Leos love attention more, comparatively, haha.)
- We can make great leaders and faithful servants. (I can't tell. But generally, I think I'm quite loyal :D )
- If ever we're denied love or respect, we can withdraw our affections, and can go cold. (As cocky as it sounds, yea.. it actually made sense)
- We live by the motto "What you see is what you get" (Quite true. If I don't like someone, you can easily tell, so I'm no good at faking a superficial interaction. In fact, I quite hate hypocrites. It just goes to show that I won't make a good salesperson, haha.)
- On a contrary, we also do have a truly good understanding of how important it is to put on a good presentation. (Haha. Yes, I very takut malu, and I very takut jatuh muka in front of a crowd. Hence, I try at all costs to avoid doing something in the public eyes that I'm utterly terrible at. Like swimming, LOL. Or hiking). Gawd, this is equalling up to committing suicide. What if people read this and decide to make me go swimming sometime soon and I end up looking foolish?! Crap!
- We're quite reluctant to hurt others, as we've got heart of goodness and a sense of justice, with strong principles. (Haha, maybe this is an over-stated statement. But well, I do sometimes feel guilty for just having an devil-ish thought la, even if no actions were taken in that matter. But I would say, it's more or less so because I so believe in karma.)
- As we're such face-saving creatures, self-esteem made it hard for us to admit that we're wrong (even though we know we are) sometimes. Okay, most of the times. (I know of one person who certainly couldn't agree more. ;p )
- When we're out with friends, we can go crazy, and be the protagonist of a party, but back home, we can immediately become unusually quiet and prefer our personal space. (Hmm... This is strangely true)
- We rarely go into great lengths to explore the merits & demerits of right and wrong of the people we respect, even if they've caused us harm or hurt in some ways or another. We're forgiving, and usually move on better without holding grudges, or resentment. We've got this amazing ability to bounce back from any feelings os despair or unfortunate events. (Yup, actually, tested and proven, multiple times)
- We've got a zest for life, hence have the ability to lift up one's spirits and provide encouragement when times are tough. (Err, I guess so gua... I can be a good listener, if I want to la. Haha. But I dare say, I cannot tahan too negative & moody ambience lah)
- We love the new & extraordinary, dislike dull, regular routines. If we're faced with dullness, we'll have our way of simply creating our own drama & excitement. (Sounds dramatic wei... haha. I can't justify, but I tahu I can't be too bored la, it will sort of demotivate me, haha.)
- We're extremely sensitive deep down, but we hide it pretty well. We love praises, flattery, and adoration to stroke our pride. (Amazingly self-centered, huh? But sadly, so true at times :( )
- We're always trying to make things right in the world, we've larger than life emotions, and we need to like we've accomplished something at the end of the day. (So true!)
Okay-lah. This has got to be one of the longest, worded & texted post in my blog, by far. So well, there goes Leo's characteristics, personality & traits in a nutshell to share. And oh, just so if you're interested to know, Leo's most compatible signs are Sagittarius & Aries. And I particularly agree with this source of analysis. (click here to find out more!)
Here's a very cute version to re-cap :
That's all folks!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Of Wasabi Peas
I would think my long-term indulgence would be Japanese cuisine. No objections.
My seasonal indulgence, on the other hand, has been as fluctuating as the Dow Jones' share prices in the recent months of credit crunch. There was the Australian nougats, Korean salted seaweed, then there was the Taiwanese bubble milk tea, then there was dark chocolates, then there was HoneyDew chewing gums, then there was the green tea addiction (of macha ice creams, with some azukis, of Ochacha's signature freezzie, with its macha dessert cakes, etc, you name it...). And then...

...this came.
Behold, SherLin's new addiction - the wasabi peas! I tell 'ya, this thing's good. I got so hooked on it that this is my second bottle in 3 days.
Now, here's a question for you. This came though my mind while enjoying my wasabi peas. How do you describe, the taste you feel when you've got 'the-Wasabi-effect' on your tongue? You know, that tingling sensation. Do you say, it's spicy? Hot? Burning? Volcanic? Minty? Fiery? Penetrative? Piercing? Pungent? It stings? I was actually thinking hard to find the right way to describe it... and I'm still thinking. There goes my Wasabi dilemma, hmm... challenging, isn't it?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
我的回憶不是我的 - 泳兒 (Vincy) & 海鳴威 (Ocean Hai)
Hmm... I swear I just found out his english name is Ocean. ;p
Anyway, enjoy this number by the both of them. Pretty good combination! It's been topping the charts for weeks. Another duet song selection for k-session, hehe..
恋爱频率 - 许志安 (Andy Hui) & 許慧欣 (Evonne Hsu)
This song has been one of the favourite duets on a typical k-session! Will need to start memorising the lyrics better, haha!
A New Vocab
I added a new word into my list of vocabularies today.
The word is "sagacious". It's such a cool word that it amazingly fits someone perfectly.
And you know what was the amazement all about? It's because someone is a Sagittarius.
Imagine my excitement to finally know that there's a word specially invented for a typical Sagittarius, which goes like this : sagacious. Go on and try saying, Sagittarius is so sagacious. Doesn't it kinda fit & rhyme together? Jealous lah, I wish I have a word specially made for Leos too. Probably something that sounds leo-cious of sorts (hmm... no such word yet, right?).
[And yes, if he was reading this, he would most probably go with, "The best word to describe a Leo like you would be egoistic". I know, I can already sort of hear him whispering that, somehow].
Anyway, I was actually thinking hard of a word that could describe him best, and I thought of shrewd. But shrewd sounds a little over-ly discredited for lah. He deserves more credit than that, but he is also what he is. So now that I've found a word to describe, I'll just utilise it. Next time I'll just go, "He's just being sagacious!" :D
sa-ga-cious [pronunciation: suh-gey-shuhs]
1. having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense; shrewd: a sagacious lawyer.
2. Obsolete. keen of scent.
1. wise, sage, discerning, clever, intelligent, judicious, acute, sharp, keen, perspicacious.
Ok-lah. Enough random talks for the day, ciao!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My Weekend Escapade

Bits of this...

And this....

And this... Makes up Singapore Flyer. Yes, I was right there, in the eye of Singapore.
And this is how Singapore looks like from high above. I was actually trying to capture the sun-setting, which resulted in this. Obviously, I'm a failed photographer. Haha.
A picture of our Jap friends taken at Clarke Quay, Naoki & Miyuki. Newly-wedded couple. We cruised along here, and went for dinner at Boat Quay thereafter.
Highlight during dinner : Naoki-san sweated to the max at first scoop of Tom Yum soup. Haha.
Lovely couple they are. Caught in the act doing this... And if you're wondering what's that behind him..
You guessed right. It's the Merlion!
It wasn't my first trip to Singapore. But to be re-visiting Singapore with different company and with a different perspective could prove to be just as fun too.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Creative Ad by Heineken
I really love this creative ad I came across from KennySia's blog!
(Okay, now I know what it feels like when a guy walks into his heaven full of alcohol). But I wonder if it really does weigh as much as my level of excitement if I ever walk into my kind of heaven equivalent). Hmmm...
Friday, April 10, 2009
Quirky Facts About My Everyday Life
1. People around me are just so used to asking me "Hey, going back Johor?" if I'm ever taking off for holidays now.
Okay. I'm gonna say it again (and again). I'm from Kuantan. I'm a pure-borned-bred-raised-in-Kuantan's original Kuantanese. So, no, I'm not going back Johor. I'm just going to Johor. My take-away from this : I have two options to 'resolve' this. Option a) would be to stick a post-it-note on my forehead that says 'I'm a pure Kuantanese'. [Hmmm... not very tempting though]. Option b) would be to really go back Kuantan more often & frequently. Okay-lah, go with b) lah!
2. You'd be surprised to know that the people whom you think you're close with ends up betraying you or the people around.
Yes, the hypocrisy. There's always more than what meets the eye. Such a silent killer, don't you think? Going around gaining everyone's trusts and crushes them to bits & pieces without them even realizing. It's the greatest predator-related character of the century! My take-away from this : to IGNORE! especially when it's within the arena of office politics. I've got other better & worthwhile things to spend time on. ['Never die before' ah?! So nosy for what?! Buat kerja sendiri lah!]
[... to be continued okay?... There'll be more, I promise. ; ) ]
I'm not a very good employee - blogging during working hours in the office!! Haha.
Oh by the way, Happy Easter everyone! Have a great holiday!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
My Twilight Craze
Believe it or not, it (the craze) actually got me buying the whole saga novel - all four of them. And I don't even, (okay, re-type) never even considered myself as much of a novel-person. Count Harry Potter out, that is.
The weather has been really weird these days. Hot & sunny can come hand-in-hand with big drops of rain water, with the occasional accompaniment of stagnant wind direction. It's just weird. Thinking you're safe out there without an umbrella with the bright sunrays shining through and piercing your skin, and the next minute, it just rains. Heavily. Without a clue, without a sign. On alternate days, the heavier dark clouds just bring so much rain to spare that it pours several times a day. I guess global warming must really been catching up on time. On our time. Not on earth's time. 'Cos believe it or not, the earth can survive whatever change it's weathering through. Just not us, humankind don't adapt to that kind of extreme weather change. So the earth will live through it, we won't. I hope my whole lifetime survives through the global weather/climate change ordeal without too much pain. That's if we still have that much time left to heal whatever that's left to heal.
These days, I'm getting more and more attuned to living alone. I'm not literally staying alone, I'm just practically living alone. How ironic is that? I don't know which is more dangerous. Really, an unhealthy state of mind, or an unhealthy state of life? I'd go with the first, I think. I probably need a more positive mindset for starters. (I'm not always negative, am I?). I'm hoping it's just one of those days when things feel a little more crappy then it usually does. I seriously need a change, or a refresher, or something. Something to keep me alive. Not as in breathing air alive, but feel happily-motivated-contented-alive. In a self-comforting sort of way. I'd be damned if I hit 80 one day only to realise, "What have I been doing all my life?!".
Okay, that's it. Too much of novel-reading I think. Too much of thinking & reflecting. Beyond too much. Dah over ni...