You can take it either way :
a) A lioness = the control freak, the bossy one, the power-hunger one.
b) A lioness = the great big queen-of-the-jungle animal that helps protect its pack from danger and harm.
I sure do hope you choose wisely, in other words, choose b). Hehe. ;p
Okay, enough of introduction already. Haha. So what is this all about?
I've been thinking about it for a while now, and I see myself being quite a staunch believer of horoscopes for most of the times (but not to the extent of worshipping la, don't worry), so I'm gonna be writing about my horoscope's characteristics today. And as the title's pretty much gave way, without a doubt, yes, I'm a Leo. A very genuine Leo, I would say. And I know of people who would wholeheartedly agree with that. Haha.

Here's a compilation of what others have to say about us Leos. Feel free to add in to the list if you've got more! It'd be most welcome. :D
- We're proud creatures. (Okay, I have to agree. Hehe)
- We often choose work that put us in the center of stage or in the spotlight of appreciation. (Hmm, stage - no, appreciation - yes)
- We're warm in spirit, eager for action, and driven by a desire to be loved for what we bring to others. (Haha. Warm, ok-lah. Eager for action? More of impatient, I guess [cannot tahan 'poh poh ma ma' kinda scenario]. Desire to be loved? Err, yes. Hehe. Ey, who doesn't want to be loved la hor? But we Leos love attention more, comparatively, haha.)
- We can make great leaders and faithful servants. (I can't tell. But generally, I think I'm quite loyal :D )
- If ever we're denied love or respect, we can withdraw our affections, and can go cold. (As cocky as it sounds, yea.. it actually made sense)
- We live by the motto "What you see is what you get" (Quite true. If I don't like someone, you can easily tell, so I'm no good at faking a superficial interaction. In fact, I quite hate hypocrites. It just goes to show that I won't make a good salesperson, haha.)
- On a contrary, we also do have a truly good understanding of how important it is to put on a good presentation. (Haha. Yes, I very takut malu, and I very takut jatuh muka in front of a crowd. Hence, I try at all costs to avoid doing something in the public eyes that I'm utterly terrible at. Like swimming, LOL. Or hiking). Gawd, this is equalling up to committing suicide. What if people read this and decide to make me go swimming sometime soon and I end up looking foolish?! Crap!
- We're quite reluctant to hurt others, as we've got heart of goodness and a sense of justice, with strong principles. (Haha, maybe this is an over-stated statement. But well, I do sometimes feel guilty for just having an devil-ish thought la, even if no actions were taken in that matter. But I would say, it's more or less so because I so believe in karma.)
- As we're such face-saving creatures, self-esteem made it hard for us to admit that we're wrong (even though we know we are) sometimes. Okay, most of the times. (I know of one person who certainly couldn't agree more. ;p )
- When we're out with friends, we can go crazy, and be the protagonist of a party, but back home, we can immediately become unusually quiet and prefer our personal space. (Hmm... This is strangely true)
- We rarely go into great lengths to explore the merits & demerits of right and wrong of the people we respect, even if they've caused us harm or hurt in some ways or another. We're forgiving, and usually move on better without holding grudges, or resentment. We've got this amazing ability to bounce back from any feelings os despair or unfortunate events. (Yup, actually, tested and proven, multiple times)
- We've got a zest for life, hence have the ability to lift up one's spirits and provide encouragement when times are tough. (Err, I guess so gua... I can be a good listener, if I want to la. Haha. But I dare say, I cannot tahan too negative & moody ambience lah)
- We love the new & extraordinary, dislike dull, regular routines. If we're faced with dullness, we'll have our way of simply creating our own drama & excitement. (Sounds dramatic wei... haha. I can't justify, but I tahu I can't be too bored la, it will sort of demotivate me, haha.)
- We're extremely sensitive deep down, but we hide it pretty well. We love praises, flattery, and adoration to stroke our pride. (Amazingly self-centered, huh? But sadly, so true at times :( )
- We're always trying to make things right in the world, we've larger than life emotions, and we need to like we've accomplished something at the end of the day. (So true!)
Okay-lah. This has got to be one of the longest, worded & texted post in my blog, by far. So well, there goes Leo's characteristics, personality & traits in a nutshell to share. And oh, just so if you're interested to know, Leo's most compatible signs are Sagittarius & Aries. And I particularly agree with this source of analysis. (click here to find out more!)
Here's a very cute version to re-cap :
That's all folks!
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