Happy Two-Zero-Zero-Nine y'all!
(Yay! I've got my first 2009 header pointer at the right hand corner of my blog!)
To start with, I think my 2009 marks how old I've become.
Pre-New Year, we (both yz and I) ruled-out counting down in public for the celebration. It was never even an option! (See, I told ya it marks the signs of aging). But I'll feed you some photos on how we spent the New Year's Eve.
Post-New Year, we (ok, actually it was only I, me & me alone) spring-cleaned the entire room! And I mean entire by the formula of =sum(left-right, up-down, vertical-horizontal, inside-out). And this sum is =product(3 consecutive effort-ful days)! Man... I'd start imagining 10 years down the road, when I've got my own family to care for, I'd probably spend New Year's Eve laying flat on my bed with 'half-eyes open'. And by the stroke of midnight when fireworks are up in the sky to mark another significant new year, I'd probably be snoring my way to slumberland. Yea, *snoooooorrre* to New Year, instead of "Cheeeeers" to New Year. So much so for a celebration, huh? [*hmm...]
Hope you guys have had a great start to kick-off the new year!
As for us, both yz and I kick-ed off our new year by a quiet-er dinner at Korean Garden Club Restaurant, right opposite Danga Bay, JB. [And we rushed home prior to 12am to avoid the massive jam which followed suit later]. But all in all, it's a nice restaurant converted from an old bungalow atop of a hillslope which surprisingly, is made known to quite a number of Koreans. It was my 2nd time there. Here are a few pictures taken should you feel like feasting your eyes.
Banchan (반찬) - various Korean side dishes.

We had beef ribs.
And I can assure you those beef ribs are really, really YUMMY!

We had pork ribs too. This is a little blurry though.
We had Korean omelette and Ginseng Chicken Soup for our side dishes too.
By the end of our dinner, we were so stuffed that we couldn't laugh out loud & hard. We could actually feel food stuffed from the bottom of our stomachs right to the top of our throats. Imagine that! (Which goes to show my stomach is just not cut-out to have lavish buffet dinners).
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