Let me tell 'ya how the craze all started with this concert. When word got out about this concert back in early March...

I was practically quite kiasu to actually make plans to buy myself those tickets, making sure I don't miss out on good seats.

And this is what I'd manage to get. Row R, okay. That's 18th darn row, I tell 'ya. And I thought I was kiasu enough, not expecting other LeeHom fans to be that kiasu. Kiasu giler... Haha. I was actually in a minor sulking mode after getting those tickets, a little disappointed to how the inconsistency was with the Galaxy staffs, and thinking to myself I must've gotten those tickets a little too late.
But well, come 2nd May'09, it actually turned out quite okay. We were actually seated just a row ahead of the railings, so our views weren't obstructed in any way at all. Pretty lucky, huh?
Did you know that seats were pretty much filled up in the stadium that night? That's approximately 25,000 over concert-goers/fans!
There were plenty of highlights throughout the concert that it's hard to actually point out a few random outstanding ones. (I'll try my best, okay?)
1. His Music-Man attire/outfit complete with his custom made Bahamut treble-clef-dragon electric guitar, which costed USD$25,700, specially made by famous Irish, Alistair Hay. Dragon's been a pretty significant icon in LeeHom's recent designs, as he himself was born in the chinese zodiac year of dragon.
2. The stage backdrop visuals during the entire concert was awesome! I don't know how they did it, but I would give full credit for this. It was fabulous.
3. It was a different choreography altogether this time around, no repetition as compared to the previous two concerts. I guess the Music-Man-rock-theme must have given this a bonus in variation of some of the songs.
4. I really really love the part where he showcased his violin skills. It is by far, my favourite! I find it so amazing because over the years, he's been focusing so much on other instruments like drums, piano, er-hu, gu-zheng, guitars, harmonica and all, that I find his piece of performance on violin in the previous concert hasn't been all that impressive (which was a 'lil disappointing to the fact that violin was the first instrument he picked up in learning music when he was young). But that night, I fell in love once again with his violin-playing. Nice. :D
I found the part on Youtube, so I can gladly share with you, though I wouldn't think you can see him performing from this video, but at the very least, you could listen to how he serenaded us with all the right phrasings and pitches on his string instrument.
5. He'd showcased his talent in guitars, violin, piano and drums, but I'd silently wished there was more. Hehe. I feel tak cukup. Haha. I know.. I was being greedy.
6. Throughout the concert, there were times when it did feel more like a walk-down-the-memory-lane and reminiscence of his 13 albums to date. With everyone singing along to songs as old as this...
to this...
to this...
It really does feel good to be a part of the stadium-packed-crowd singing along & cheering aloud to tunes like that.
7. You know that the concert's great when, by the end of the concert, most of the people are already up on their feet cheering Encore for more! So LeeHom came up-stage once more and gave his best last here...
It was overall-ly good, I only wish it was longer. I actually came home really tired, I think I swayed/swung/waved my hands too much throughout the entire concert lor. Haiyo! And the one part that was missing compared to last concert in 2007, was a guest star appearance. Check out his Heroes of Earth 2007 guest performance with JJ Lin (林俊杰) here! Was impressively wow-ed by the real creativity.
Here's cheers to Music-Man's concert's success, and Happy be-earlied Birthday! :D
Ohh! And I sincerely apologise for the massive video files uploaded from Youtube, be patient with the connection yea. :D
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