I just wish I could blog with more photos, and less words. [Hehe, that's a sign of laziness].
I'd been gone for too long from my blog now. I'd always thought I'd find time to post something up at night after work, but there was always something else to do. Been over and about in the past week, with lots of to-do-lists. But now that I'm sitting here and trying to list the things that've taken so much of my time, I don't seem to know where to start off with... And speaking of which, I should by now have lots of back-dated entries to post on. (Yes yes, I hear you, El Cerdo photos not up yet). Hmm... Stay tuned while I try to keep up then!
Ah, well, for now, I shall just do a brief one about the most recent weekend.
So, what exactly has Sher Lin been up to lately?
Friday, the 27th of March - Sher Lin has had a blast outing with dear colleagues at Green Box Karaoke, Sg Wang! It must've been the stress at work, 'cause somehow, all of us were having so much fun singing our lungs out! We did songs ala rocker style, the slow R&B style, the Mamma Mia musical craze style, even did songs ala the Bollywood style! Gawd, ridiculously funny. So much fun we had that we didn't notice time was passing us by fast, as in real fast. Wish we had had more time, but let's look forward to another round soon! Lily, if you're reading this, don't worry about missing out, just join in our K-session in future!
[No photos to share here, yet]
Saturday, the 28th of March - Sher Lin wishes she hadn't miss out on the supposingly remarkable KL city view during the significant-once-a-year-event of Earth Hour. : (( Sadly, she had. How disappointing is that. The more disappointing piece of news was that, while she has missed out on the much anticipated thing to do, she was actually spending her Earth Hour at a restaurant in Subang that conveniently not jointly participating in the massive event. Darn. Dah lah tak boleh tengok, nak rasa experience pun tak boleh. And I wasn't sad that I couldn't spend my hour in darkness (I could easily experience that over at my place when the blackouts happen as frequently as they like to). No, that wasn't it. It was because I couldn't take part in this massive joint event that the whole world is practically talking about. Then again, I'd better be committing myself to save the earth on a daily basis in things I do, like saying no to plastic bags, or commuting by lrts (which I'm already doing anyway, like I have a choice, haha), switching off unused and idle power sockets, also by simply not wasting water! Yup yup, that should do it, small efforts count!
[Again, no photos to share yet too!]
Sunday, the 29th of March - Sher Lin has waken up early on a Sunday, particularly so, for
Qing Ming. It's an annual affair where we do grave sweeping for our departed loved ones. Official day is not until this coming Sunday, but most has already crowded the memorial parks and graveyards last weekend. Here are some photos I managed to capture with my mobile phone :
[Ahh, finally, a part where I can share a few snapshots. Here goes... ]
A further view of Nilai Memorial Park's landscape.
Talk about car-pooling for saving the earth, huh? Look at the jam-packed & crowded cars parked throughout the park!

You'd see on the left, there are tables and tables of offerings leading up to the temple of Da Bo Gong. We'd pretty much needed to scout for an empty space along the tables to lay our offerings & put them in place.

This is one temple we didn't miss out on either, the temple of San Sheng Dian.

This is the entrance to the columbarium where my late grandpa's ashes has been staying put at for the past 6 years.
I miss my grandpa dearly, even more so on this particular day where we speak of him and the fond memories he left us with. For one, I'd always loved sneaking up to the table at evening tea breaks & eating Pagoda/Cap Tangan groundnuts with him while he gulped it down with a can of Guinness Stout, grandpa's all-time favourite combination! If you'd asked me, I like the fact that he's at a better place now. I don't know that for sure, really. But I certainly choose to believe so. 'Cause for all I know, in my eyes, he deserves to be at a better place. : )
Alright then, that covers about it for my weekend. Hope your weekends were eventful too! Catch up later!
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