Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Malfunctioning Brain Leading To Delayed Responses

The title speaks for itself.
But then again, it isn't just recently. So to put things into perspective, I must've always had a malfunctioning brain since I was born. Grr.

I wish I was smart & fast enough to actually respond tactfully according to audience at a given time.
How I envy lawyers! No idea how they state their case so liberally almost instantly under such pressured circumstances in courts packed of crowds. And rowdy crowds at most times.

Sometimes I would only think of the proper things to respond to, in delayed response time frames ranging from 10mins to err, like 3 days later. Seriously. I have a handful of experiences like those.

I call it lack of defense.
If someone were to haul some sarcastic remarks at me, I swear I would only have thought of the right defense 3 days later. And I'd spent the day thinking to myself 'how stupid could I have been for not thinking of what I should supposedly say at that point of time'.

People take advantage of you for this, you know. Fail max. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. That's why I always 'errr' in between sentences, that's called self-defense.
