Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thoughts for the Day

Here are some random thoughts I've gathered for the day.

1. How being rich transforms a person.
(And I mean this in a good and bad way)
Do you see how datins or siu lais (referring to wives of rich men who don't have to work, and is still rich) shop in branded outlets like Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Prada? That's the good thing. They walk into the shop, with an average of 3-5 shop attendants serving them, they pick their luxury items, swipe their platinum priviledged cards without much hesitation, and walk out with their new goodies. That's the good thing. They feel good about themselves (still a good thing), they pamper themselves (I'm not there yet, this is still good), and they feel they're a class higher than the rest (here! Stop right here). Now, that's the bad thing about it. So if you're flaunting an LV bag, parading a designer Gucci dress, and strutting with a pair of Prada heels, does it really make you a class higher? What does it buy you? Style? Maybe. A fashion statement? Maybe. Respect? Not necessarily. So exactly how high-er in class does that make you?

2. How having hundreds of friends don't beat having only a few TRUE friends.
At the thought of this, I really feel glad knowing I have my few true friends whom I can count on. They're the ones who had picked up my calls in the middle of the night of a working day, and still patiently listen to me nag (or cry). They're the ones who's always reminding me how great a person I am when I'm in one of those bad days. They're the ones who's stuck by me when I needed encouragement. They're the ones who shop crazily with me (I really mean it - the crazy word). The ones who offer a ride home on late nights. And the list goes on. Here's a roll call to all of these great people whom I'm proud to have around as friends. I don't need a list of hundreds of friends appearing in my Facebook account to tell me this. I'm glad I don't need this as a measurement.

3. How different kinds of people are necessary in the community.
As I jam-packed myself in a crammed monorail every ordinary evening of a working day, I come across various kinds of people. The kinds who block the entrance of the trains, the kinds who push you in like it's the last train to heaven before the end of the world, the kinds who take opportunities of the crowd to harass (in my own term) people, the kinds who sneeze, dig their nose, scratch their butts and hold/wipe on the only bar that is supporting tens of commuters at that same time, enough said... all kinds. And as I observed them, I thought to myself, even as impolite, annoying, or disgusting as they are, we still need them. Else, there wouldn't be any 'spice' added into our everyday lives, and I wouldn't have had the 'inspiration' to be writing this in my blog now. In all compliments, they add colours to our lives! (although I can do with less of the public nose diggers).


  1. Sharing my thoughts about your points here:

    1. Agree - those with higher class in fashion sense don't really need wealth to achieve that, this is what the chinese saying goes "da zhong lian pi chong pang zi". So we shall aims for higher class of soul and mind, where the chinese call "qi zhi"

    2. Agree - too many friends somehow will come and go in your life, coz friendship need time and experience to nurture. Too many friends would mean we hv lesser time to spend in each and every single friend? It's just like the idea of having 1 good wife or many 'functional' wives that we dont even have the time to 'pei yang gan qing' with...

    3. Agree - "yi zhong mi yang qian zhong ren" (one type of rice feed thousand of different ppl)

  2. 1. Thank you for agreeing. I also agree with what you 'agreed' on. Haha.

    2. Somehow I never thought of the 'wives' part, but thanks for highlighting! Haha!

    3. Why la have to use chinese proverb, I dunno this proverb leh... but you write so deeply, must be related la.. haha

  3. Haha!

    I've been trying to edit my post but to no avail.

    So i shall clarify something here:

    1. Friendship need time and heart to nurture, hence not everyone is capable of being 'multi-friend-ing'

    2. yi zhong mi yang qian zhong ren - it means one same type of rice can 'grow' many different types of people. so this is why this world got both huai ren and haoren. (Just a friendly reminder in case you're still confused - hao ren refering to someone like me!)

  4. Ish... hao ren cannot me someone like me meh? haha!
    Hana hana... I understand clearly already now... :D

  5. ok, here I am.

    1. To me, the greatest achievement is when you are not carrying any branded stuffs or possessing any high status identity, yet others misjudge you have them all. This achievement only can prove your real charisma.

    2. Agree, we should look for quality but not quantity. I personally take some time to make friends with people, but once you are my friends, I will take you as my life friends, haha!

    3. Erm, you all so sure you all never done any of these before? Even a thought does count okay, haha! Never mind, we believe in karma, don't we? We would be paid what we are doing now.
