Monday, December 1, 2008

Saying Thank You & You're Welcome

In our world (working world), we are taught of two skills to groom on. First being, technical skills (in my case, Microsoft Excel, Cognos Queries, and various systems & databases). Second being, soft skills (in my case, logic, pro-activity, learning to increase visibility & leveraging good relationships with the other teammembers).

One simple soft skill I've picked up from my job/career is learning (or should I say revising) what we've been taught from our younger days, by our parents, by our teachers - to learn how to say 'Thank You' & 'You're Welcome' (and graciously mean them, off course).

Rewinding to my younger days, I recall the occasional little treats or gifts from an outstation uncle or aunty on a holiday visit, my parents have been instilling "Girl, you should say thank you ok, don't be impolite". I would nod my head and obey. So at every chance that was given to me, I proudly (proud because, I thought I was being the most obedient and clever daughter any parent could have, haha) say 'Thank You Uncle", "Thank You Aunty".

Now, fast forward to the now I'm in. Saying "Thank You" means so much more than just that! My 'Thank You's now are actually more of tokens of appreciation. So yes, I've now learnt that thanking someone should not come to be seen just as polite or good manners, but a show of heartfelt gratitude!

Here's another thing though. Learning the true meaning of Thank You was not all. I actually did learn how to say 'You're Welcome' for the reason aside from courtesy alone. I've learnt that in the working world, many a times, sweeping the value you bring under the carpet isn't such a smart thing to do either. So, do make yourself seen for the contributions and effort you've put in, and be generous with 'You're Welcome' instead of smiling sheepishly after receiving a 'Thank You'!


  1. "Thank You" and "Sorry" are words that very important to me and heavy meaning behind it, but not all think so, they can just say it because of saying it, how sad...

  2. haha, i wanted to separate 'Sorry' into another different post, but I've been 'delaying' that post for quite some time now.. haha!
