Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Twilight Craze

I'm still on with my Twilight craze. Justification? I've just finished reading New Moon (I stayed up 'til 3am to finish my remaining pages) - and yes, on a weekday night!
Believe it or not, it (the craze) actually got me buying the whole saga novel - all four of them. And I don't even, (okay, re-type) never even considered myself as much of a novel-person. Count Harry Potter out, that is.

The weather has been really weird these days. Hot & sunny can come hand-in-hand with big drops of rain water, with the occasional accompaniment of stagnant wind direction. It's just weird. Thinking you're safe out there without an umbrella with the bright sunrays shining through and piercing your skin, and the next minute, it just rains. Heavily. Without a clue, without a sign. On alternate days, the heavier dark clouds just bring so much rain to spare that it pours several times a day. I guess global warming must really been catching up on time. On our time. Not on earth's time. 'Cos believe it or not, the earth can survive whatever change it's weathering through. Just not us, humankind don't adapt to that kind of extreme weather change. So the earth will live through it, we won't. I hope my whole lifetime survives through the global weather/climate change ordeal without too much pain. That's if we still have that much time left to heal whatever that's left to heal.

These days, I'm getting more and more attuned to living alone. I'm not literally staying alone, I'm just practically living alone. How ironic is that? I don't know which is more dangerous. Really, an unhealthy state of mind, or an unhealthy state of life? I'd go with the first, I think. I probably need a more positive mindset for starters. (I'm not always negative, am I?). I'm hoping it's just one of those days when things feel a little more crappy then it usually does. I seriously need a change, or a refresher, or something. Something to keep me alive. Not as in breathing air alive, but feel happily-motivated-contented-alive. In a self-comforting sort of way. I'd be damned if I hit 80 one day only to realise, "What have I been doing all my life?!".

Okay, that's it. Too much of novel-reading I think. Too much of thinking & reflecting. Beyond too much. Dah over ni...


  1. aiyo~ tak habis habis dengan global warming meh??

  2. If dont want me to comment on global warming, then write something else! haha

  3. Haha.. I thought you should not be 'restricting' what I want to write? Not supposed to be free-flow thoughts meh?

  4. Staying alone is good...lots of time to reflect.

  5. But JD, I'm not really 'staying alone' at home wor.. And too much reflection is not good, emo-ly over-the-board!
