Thursday, April 16, 2009

A New Vocab

Ya' know what?
I added a new word into my list of vocabularies today.
The word is "sagacious". It's such a cool word that it amazingly fits someone perfectly.
And you know what was the amazement all about? It's because someone is a Sagittarius.
Imagine my excitement to finally know that there's a word specially invented for a typical Sagittarius, which goes like this : sagacious. Go on and try saying, Sagittarius is so sagacious. Doesn't it kinda fit & rhyme together? Jealous lah, I wish I have a word specially made for Leos too. Probably something that sounds leo-cious of sorts (hmm... no such word yet, right?).
[And yes, if he was reading this, he would most probably go with, "The best word to describe a Leo like you would be egoistic". I know, I can already sort of hear him whispering that, somehow].
Anyway, I was actually thinking hard of a word that could describe him best, and I thought of shrewd. But shrewd sounds a little over-ly discredited for lah. He deserves more credit than that, but he is also what he is. So now that I've found a word to describe, I'll just utilise it. Next time I'll just go, "He's just being sagacious!" :D


sa-ga-cious [pronunciation: suh-gey-shuhs]
1. having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense; shrewd: a sagacious lawyer.
2. Obsolete. keen of scent.

1. wise, sage, discerning, clever, intelligent, judicious, acute, sharp, keen, perspicacious.

Ok-lah. Enough random talks for the day, ciao!

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