Monday, August 3, 2009

Of A Productive Weekend

I've not had such a productive weekend for a long time.
My usual weekends usually consists of either :
a) staying home all day
b) travelling back to/from kuantan/kulai/kl
c) out all day - shopping malls (eat, movies, walk around, eat, go back)
Quite routined. Quite sien.

This weekend's a little different :
a) outing with bunch of colleagues in Genting - casino (got profit), starbucks (got surprise bday cake - yeah, really quite surprised & unpredicted also la, 'coz it was only err 1st of Aug? haha... Gracias amigos/amigas!)
b) treated both of us to Senjyu Sushi using profit gained from Genting... Thanks Uncle Lim. LOL.
c) (Erm.. wanted to add go hiking - but tak jadi coz I couldn't wake up, so I didn't make it.)
d) went for my first NBL basketball match! (so much nicer than watching matches on tv). So I'm thinking this won't be my last game... more to come? :D

* I'll put up photos in the next post.
psstt... Jordan - you're my genting photos supplier, I'll get those from you, and post up here (soon).
psstt 2... Dear bf - you're my NBL photos supplier, remember to copy for me, soon! Hehe.

Talk about productivity during weekends... come to think of it, it's a little ironic, isn't it?
You spend 5 days in a week to be productive at work, that the remaining 2 days of the week, you just want to spare and excuse yourself from being productive. Hence a lot of times, we, the "working adults" just stay lazy and be childish for the weekends. But I'd always thought adults mah.. sure more matured to be responsible at any time of the week, right? Now proven. No - adults want chances to be less responsible, more kiddy too. Haha.


  1. Yup, you're right. Me and my bunch of friends tend to be more kiddy after office hours.

  2. Haha.. which is good... we need the de-stressing sessions...
