Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Long Due... Long Due....

Sher Lin wakes up. (as in, literally, the *brain wakes up*, not like wake up from sleep kinda waking up)
Sher Lin thinks to herself "What is there to cry for? No more unworthy tears"

The tables must turn this time around...
And I should have the upper hand...

A wise man told me "You set your own goals, and you stick with it. Why should you let anything ruin that for you? You don't have to escape from anything"

This will serve as my own reminder, for all times.

I should be happy celebrating over a burden released that is long due.

And I shall not be afraid, even if you try to shake me again.

Sher Lin tells herself she can be strong, and she'll be able to walk out of this, tall, in stride!

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