Saturday, December 12, 2009

Confessions Of An, Err.. "Almost" Shopaholic

It was the most fulfilling retail therapy in a very long time! *wide grin*
Talk about satisfaction. Haha.
In all seriousness, I know that this much ecstasy is only temporary. And it will wear off when the monthly card statement comes. *cold sweat*

Nevertheless, I hereby confess, that whatever you do, and whatever it is, I'm so very convinced that money don't buy happiness. That's the golden rule, and it applies to everything in life. Yes, everything. It buys you pleasure, but it doesn't buy you happiness, for real.

Taking shopping as an example (I wanted to share a more serious tone of real-life examples I have in mind, but let's not bore you too much), you spend that much money to err... obtain/achieve that much satisfaction. It probably is a fair and worthwhile exchange for that very moment. But no, it doesn't heal that gap/hole inside you and make you complete.

So I wanna quote, and re-quote the very simple rule of all.
That the most important and expensive things in life, can't be bought with money.

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