Monday, December 28, 2009

Cynicism Backfired

If you've been watching dramas, you've probably come across skeptical scenes that go like these...

Scene A : Lead actress's wedding ring fell off her finger out of a sudden. Apparently, lead actor's met an accident elsewhere. In some circumstances, probably even halfway across the globe.

Scene B : Lead actress performing violin on stage. Suddenly, violin strings broke and fell apart. And scene went on to show lead actor's heart surgery wasn't successful, and he breathed his last breath.

Scene C : Lead actor's favourite watch or something suddenly rosak. And scene went on to show lead actress fainted along the streets, somewhere.

Okay, you get the picture.

I've been quite cynical when it comes to scenes like these. I've always thought, "Where's the logic?" and I've always assumed scriptwriters/directors/producers add these to make the drama scenes more flavourful. You know, things that make after-effects long lasting in dramas.

That is, until last 3 months. When I faced one such scenario myself.
I didn't quite see it coming. At that point of time. But now that I recall, I guess I'd been given a sign. The night before things happened, I broke a vase. A very nice special blue vase. It just broke. Like, it was on the shelf, steadily, had always been there, in that same position. Then all of a sudden, without strong wind (window wasn't even opened) or whatever, it just lost its balance and fell and broke. 'Til now, I still couldn't quite figure out what was the cause, or what went wrong with it.

Funny isn't it? Even more cynical to have put it this way.
But yea, now I think the scenes that were added to give dramas more uumph power, do make sense. Hmm...


  1. Well, the world works in mysterious ways. I guess it's just time to reflect and look towards the future.

  2. Haha. I think not the world.
    My life's been working pretty mysteriously in its very own ways too!
