Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Revisiting Half-Banana and Her Effort

In one of my earlier entries, I've talked about how I look yellow on the outside but not so much on the inside, and went to conclude me being a half-banana. But I'm constantly learning, and so to try my hands on blogging in chinese today. Yup, that's right, 没错,用华文写部落格!哈哈。还不错吧?But boy.. this will surely take longer than I've expected. I needed the help of Google Translate to serve as my dictionary, to verify and confirm that I'm typing what I've intended to mean, and not something else (just in case it ends up sounding like foul language). We wouldn't want that, would we? But well, with my 'half-pail-water' knowledge, I'll give it a go, looking at what great lengths I've went through, in my recent personal project that I'm working on, which required me to do a large scale of homework in chinese. Large scale because, the characters do look somewhat foreign to me in my limited capabilities. Warning ahead though, it might sound funny, trivial or grammatically incorrect for that matter, so if you're still planning to read on, then read at your own risk. Haha. Here goes.

(sounds weird... but hmm, shall check out the right way of saying it later)

Okay, time check : it took me close to almost an hour to type, check, and revalidate my short chinese passage. You've got to give me some credits; afterall, it is my first attempt! Haha! There it is, ta-da. Proudly presenting to you... [*grin*]


  1. I am so proud of you! hahaha (though I spotted 1 or 2 wrong words) Keep it up, not bad not bad.. Weird, while I was reading, I did not read it "smoothly", I read as if I am a non-Chinese literate, one word by one word, you get what I mean? Don't get me wrong, I don't mean your sentence structure, hm, don't know how to explain, anyway, good try!

  2. Haha! sy, don't worry, I won't feel offended wan, hehe... you know why? Coz' I also laughed (hard) when I read it yesterday.. haha! Nvm, I got few chinese teachers with, I'm sure I'll improve! (sooner or later). Haha!

  3. never mind, when i see you, i shall explain my feeling when reading it =)
