Friday, January 16, 2009

Understanding the 'Eye-Twitch'

The other afternoon while I was working away in the office, my right eye twitched. It twitched vigorously, alright. So there I was, a little annoyed with the non-stop twitching action that was distracting my concentration (and out of boredom), I went searching on the net on the whole idea of 'eye-twitching'. Here's my take-away from the analysis.

The Frequently-Spoken-Myths are as follows:
1. In general, most people believe that a twitch in the eye indicates the event of someone bad-mouthing you.

2. The Chinese believes, a twitch in the right eye of a man signifies good luck, while a twitch in the left eye could be a sign of bad omen, of ill luck. When it comes to women, however, it's a whole opposite side of story. Left - good, right - bad.

3. The Nigerians' beliefs are of the same nature with what the Chinese believes.

4. The Hawaiians - eye twitch indicates arrival of a stranger, or you're soon to mourn for someone. (Yea, totally scary).

[Source : Eye-lid Twitching Superstitions]

And here's the best by far : Eye-Twitching - Signs & Omens. It even lists the particular time-frame and the meaning respectively.

I then checked mine, it was about 4pm then, and it's on the right, so it reads :
"3pm - 5pm
In the left eye, it means you will lose money. In the right eye, then you will be thinking of your loved one very much."

Okay... so I had a lot on my mind, and I was (definitely) thinking of yz, a lot. It made sense.

And then the weirdest thing happened. Yesterday my right eye twitched again. It wasn't as vigorous, but it was twitching involuntarily. Uh-huh, my right eye twitched two days in a row. And I did a time-check - it was 3:35pm. Hmm..... (Yeah, I sound vain, I know).

On another note, I'll be away for the weekend, so there won't be any new posts soon. Ahh.. Home sweet home. I'm so counting down the hours to knock-off from work. Have a good weekend everyone!

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