Thursday, May 21, 2009

A World Of Hope

You know how fortunate you are, when you come across the less-fortunate in your daily lives.
And you know how strong you can be, when you see how less-fortunate people fight their way to survive, and never give up. And you know how small, petty and insignificant your worries are, when you see that these people, under the circumstances where such hindrance keeps them away from feeling less than perfect, yet have the warmth of spirit so great within them.

I wouldn't say I've been roaming the streets a lot. But I've roamed enough to find, on the streets, the blinds with their trust-worthy walking sticks, beating the rush hour crowd, just to get to work, just like all of us do. I've seen people with just a leg, with their trustable crutches, balancing their way slowly to get to work, just like all of us do.

I like that within our realistic community, modernised society, there's a world that shows no discrimination towards the less-fortunate. I like that these people have jobs, just like we all do. An opportunity for them to earn a living, a place for them to feel they belong, and that they don't need to depend on sympathy just to stay alive, the chance for them to contribute to the society, and that they too, can succeed. But above all, I like that within our urbanized society, there are still kind, generous, helpful and warm people out there, right here in our very own busy city, who are just as willing to aid others - the ones that offer their seats to them, the ones that hold their hands and lead them across the busy streets, the ones who care enough.

It just gives you a glimpse of hope, that this world, as it is now, could be a better place - now that, is very touching. And to be reminded that it is never too late, to be kind. To be reminded that when things get rough in life, when the world gets realistic with you, you can always, strike a balance, and think of how the less-fortunate are more fortunate, grateful, and thankful, as compared to us.

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