Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Fundamentals

I never knew it can get this scary... finding out a person changed.
It's disturbing to know how someone close has drifted away, drifted apart.
It's even more disturbing to know, how someone close is becoming a stranger, evolving day by day, at every tick of the clock needle, into someone you no longer recognize anymore.
Never ending disappointments can be so exhausting.

Yes, every life's path is written differently, uniquely.
It's about time I give up trying to change the course of nature.
You're not the same man I once fell in love with anymore. You no longer are that man.

Someday, you'll know. And someday, you'll see, the value of things you're giving up today, to achieve tomorrow.

I know it's a subjective measurement of success. I know that the significance of values may not be as great as it sounds. It doesn't promise you wealth, it doesn't promise you a majestic life.

But I also know, at least my subjectiveness comprehends the values of life I'm brought up with.
And though it doesn't promise me achivement heights that are measureable by obvious materials, it can promise me peace of the heart, the mind, and the simplest yet fundamental greatness.

And that I know, is the ultimate happiness.

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